Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


It seems to promise a whole introductory lesson in epistemology. But no. It's just a sappy (although pretty) love song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8LbcD3olCk

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David F

Roseanne Self-Destructs

I was grudgingly impressed that her apology - aside from using the "joke" excuse - was close to an actual apology. She must have known she'd pretty well screwed the pooch. Of course, you have to wonder about ABC's judgment in the first place, for…

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David F

We Saw Solo - Spoilers

We saw Solo yesterday.  It was quite enjoyable.  It's certainly not the best Star Wars movie ever, but that's quickly becoming a tougher and more debatable distinction.  Also, it's a distinction that truly lacks a defensible "so what?"  spoilers after the jump Continue reading...

David F

Congratulations, Ireland

YES! And by a 2:1 margin. Ireland has finally gotten a supremely simple and logical message: If you are opposed to abortion... ...don't have one. Now if only we could get that through to Alabama.

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