Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Gillette Gets on Board

Slowly, slowly, organizations are moving to the right side of history. Now, of course, there is a backlash. Men are furious and responding with everything from calls for boycotts to mass destruction of Gillette products. I do wonder what is going on in the minds…

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David F

Backlash is Coming

The American polity is nothing if not fickle. I do think a backlash is coming. This is how it's been going. Of course the cartoon linked here is an attempt at parody, but we all know #NoParody is possible. I'm rooting for the backlash to…

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David F

Updating Where to Find Me

Almost four years ago, I wrote about how to find me on social media. Now, with Google+ closing, it's definitely time for an update. I feel an urgency to write this update, but I also feel it's premature. I have not finalized my social media…

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David F

It's 2019

Pumpkin is still president. Mueller is still grinding away, with what feels like nothing to show for it. But still, there are reasons to feel a glimmer. The elections two months ago put the Dems firmly back in control of the House. And one leading…

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