Yes, Jones Won

But the FCC casts its bought-and-paid-for-by-the-telcos "vote" to repeal Net Neutrality tomorrow.

The Rethuglicans are planning to jam through a vote on their 1.5TB (that's trillion bucks, not terabytes) tax heist before Jones can even get sworn in.

Enjoy the narrow victory.  Alabama decided -- by less than one percentage point -- not to send someone to the Senate who is probably a child molester.  Moreover, one who has said, on the record, that women should not have the vote, and blacks should still be slaves.

This feels more like a small reprieve than a full-on victory.  Victory will be a veto-proof Democratic Congress being sworn in as of January 2019, and paralyzing President Pence for the remaining two years of his stolen term.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F