National Piss Off A Nazi Day is here! 

Today is a day to vote against

Vote against hate.
Vote against fear.
Vote against fascism.
Vote against tax boondoggles for billionaires
Vote against losing your health care.
Vote against racists and rapists on the Supreme Court
Vote against racists and rapists being called "very fine people"
Vote against the Kremlin's Five-Year Plan for the USA
Vote against "white nationalism" i.e., racism.
Vote against brown children being stolen from their parents at our borders. 
Vote against American citizens being stripped of citizenship just for being brown
Vote against black people being executed by police just for being. 

But I repeat myself once more: Vote against the Rethuglicans.

Vote against the Rethuglican running in every race on your ballot.  And that means, vote for someone who has a chance of beating them.  Sorry, Greens.  Not this year.  This year, in virtually every race, the only candidate with a shot at beating the Rethuglican is a Dem. 

SO: f*ing vote for your f*ing Dem! 

Vote for your Dems even if they don't tick your every box or give you all the goodfeelz.  Save that crap for when the other choice is not a fascist dictatorship.  

So, yeah.  Vote for "not a fascist dictatorship".  VOTE BLUE!