religion (35)

David F

Bigots' Last Stand

Franklin Graham (Billy's kid) posted on Facebook You know what?  I'm glad to see it's come to this.  The businesses that acknowledge the reality that there are LGBTQ families among their customer base are following only one Bible: the book of the Quarterly Report and…

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David F

In it for the Money

As I wrote earlier, the typical Republican presidential candidate has no real hope of getting the nomination, let alone the Presidency. But this article from the Wall Street Journal makes it plain that they are still quite rational to pretend. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson…

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David F

Betty Explains Religious Freedom

Religious freedom: Only for privileged religions, if you follow the Christian conservative rhetoric in the USA.  Here, the privileged religion is Christianity.  Over in most of the Middle East, it's Islam. They have more in common than you'd think, and could benefit well from comparing…

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David F

Grift American Style

If you still don't believe the Republican candidates are all about the Benjamins, think on this piece from a couple months ago in Salon. It turns on the Mike Huckabee kerfuffle in March where he was endorsing and selling his "good name" on behalf of…

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David F

American Insecurity Photo Gallery

Part I: Rock out with your Glock out Part II: Flags. So. Many. Flags. Part III: Personal Transportation Part IV: American Theology   Ceci n'est pas homoérotique

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