LGBTQ (17)

David F

Bigots' Last Stand

Franklin Graham (Billy's kid) posted on Facebook You know what?  I'm glad to see it's come to this.  The businesses that acknowledge the reality that there are LGBTQ families among their customer base are following only one Bible: the book of the Quarterly Report and…

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David F

Bobby Jindal Better Be Careful What He Wishes For

Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, wants to be sure that we understand: bigotry and appeals to the lowest common denominator are the rock-solid foundation of his political career. In a NY Times Op-Ed he wanted those Commie, atheistic, libtard corporations like Cummins Engine to know…

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David F

Political Imagery Flips

The LGBTQ civil rights struggle in the US is passing a really important milestone. Hillary Clinton announced her presidential candidacy this weekend.  Her campaign manager is an out gay man.  Her campaign ads feature gay couples. Even eight years ago this would have been a…

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