Ideas (13)

David F

Movie Plot Threats

Bruce Schneier runs this annual contest called the Movie Plot Threat contest.  The idea is to poke fun at the way a lot of "security" is done, where instead of reducing real components of vulnerability like attack surface or complexity, people concoct insanely specific scenarios…

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David F

Humanity-Demeaning Activities

So now we know what it takes for a church to lose its tax-exempt status. The place sounds, in the coverage anyway, more like a strip club than any conventional idea of a house of worship.  But think about it this way: since a religion…

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David F

Mental Models

People hold mental models of the way the world works.  Approximations that are "good enough" to get through day to day life.  We follow rules of thumb as shortcuts, freeing our brains from figuring out anew how to do everything.  But when those models are…

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David F


So if the title made you immediately think of those scruffy, hard-working characters who set up and take down touring concerts, welcome to the club. But that's not what this post is about, as you may notice by the business and security tags I have…

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David F

Tiny Innovations

Innovation. When we think of it we think of breakthroughs and new product categories. Millions made overnight or enormous dramatic failures of products that woulda been awesome but for the one fatal flaw.  Gee wouldn't this make a great movie?  Sure it would.  But the…

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