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David F

X minds discuss Y

A quote that floats around the Internet from time to time goes, Now from time to time you see quotes on the Internet attributed to people that you wish said them, but alas they did not. For example, Abraham Lincoln did not really say, "Do…

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David F

Desire Map

This story is a different look into what's on people's minds around the country.  Maybe you too will find it a little scary. Now a few states are checking out the cost of really ordinary things.  A gallon of milk in Alaska, gasoline in Hawaii.  Electricity…

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David F

How to Find Me on Social Media

It's easy. To the right of this post (assuming you're reading it here) is a link to my Google+ profile. And there you have it: my entire social media presence, as of this writing. Wait... what about Facebook? Twitter? LinkedIn? Valid questions. Everyone Knows™ that…

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