Social Media Update

It's been a year+ since my last post with this title so... why not. And as always, this is Where To Find Me.

Facebook remains off-limits for me (by choice, in case you were wondering). I have found it useful to install this browser extension, Impulse Blocker, and set it to prevent my browser from going there. Not because I am ever tempted, but because booby-trapped links are fairly common.

I tried a Mastodon site for a while but it did not suit me. I am not sure if that's down to Mastodon itself or this particular instance of it. I did not care for the local term for a posting. In my old-fashioned brain, a "toot" is quite a different utterance.

I am on Twitter and LinkedIn, more for professional purposes than anything else. And Reddit is an interesting place to discover new things. Reddit also hosts many passionate user communities of tech I use, which makes it a sometimes-OK place to get help. Some such "communities" can only mock people who don't already know the answers to the questions they ask. But "hey, it's worth a try" is my guiding principle in situations like that.

My microblogging platform of choice remains diaspora*. I moved my base in May from pluspora to Both are fully federated so the difference is really just technical. Pluspora went through a spell of reliability and performance issues, while is solid so far.

Finally, this looks interesting: Minus. A social network where you get 100 posts for your lifetime limit. That'll keep the noise down, won't it? You'd think.

We'll see.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F