Ride for Pride - Done Until Next Year, and THANK YOU ALL!

photo by Jill Frier. Click to embiggen, if you dare.

Here I am, purple hair, nails and shirt.  I went over my goal of $1024 so I was a participant in "Dyed for Pride".  To all my donors, HUGE THANKS!

The weather was warmer than I thought it would be, and getting the right level of hydration was a bit tricky.  I hit a bit of a stride after lunch and was able to finish almost all 50 miles.  I could probably have done the whole thing, but it was at that tipping point where it shades over from gutsy to stupid.  I try to stay on the right side of that edge.  So I accepted a ride for the last 8-mile leg.

But wait!  There's more!

The GAGV is raffling off a Pedego Comfort Cruiser electric bike!  The one for the winner is yellow, has a 48v 10Ah battery, a 500W motor, and is upgraded to tan balloon tires, and added fenders.  It's a $2,800 value!

The bike being raffled is yellow, not orange. Click to enlarge

I happen to have ten tickets for this July 8 raffle, and I will give them to the next ten people who express interest in it.  How do you express interest?

  1. If you have not donated yet, donate any amount to my Ride for Pride campaign.  It's open until September!
  2. If you already donated, hit the link (again, even) in the Thank You note you got and fill out the revamped form.  If you don't have that link anymore, email me (david dot frier at gmail) and I will send you the needful.

If you win, you will have to come get the bike. If that is not something you can do right away, contact me and we can probably work something out.

So what are you waiting for?  The drawing is July 8!

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F