Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


A mildly sophomoric discussion can be fun to have about whether the universe we experience is "real," or just an elaborate simulation some other universe is running. Tom Tomorrow explores this avenue in a pretty desperate attempt to mask his straight-up reporting of the news,…

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David F

Centrist? Undecided? Non-existent.

This is the story of the centrist, undecided voter. I personally don't think there are any undecideds. I don't see how anyone can truly be so abysmally stupid or ridiculously naive as to not see a huge difference between Pumpkin and an actual human like…

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David F

It Had To Happen

So... what fuckery will the Rethuglicans come up with to hold onto the one thing they truly care about... Power? Also - how long do you think that narcissistic toddler can maintain the discipline of quarantine? I put the over/under at about 1.5 days. Anyhooo...

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David F

Heavy Metal?

Almost halfway through Blizzard of Ozz, the very dark, very metal debut solo album for Ozzy Osbourne, an English country madrigal breaks out. (Skip to 15:47, if the pre-set time fails, as it does in some browsers.)

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David F

Masks & Taxes

They don't care. There is no shame. It's impossible. They are getting what they want, and they simply don't give a f* who it hurts. If you look at their attitude about wearing masks during the pandemic, I saw a meme that sums it up:…

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