Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Christmas Late Posting

Christmas was a very full day; posting got delayed. Sorry. Back to schedule tomorrow. We did a full complement of Christmas activity, COVID notwithstanding. We had a lovely Zoom with the kids for an hour. We opened presents - Jill got me a very beautiful…

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David F

Christmas Song

Another Christmas is upon us. This is the two-dozenth one I have enjoyed, every one of them with my beautiful wife Jill. Tull's take on Christmas values never seems to go out of date. Even... or especially... in 2020.

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David F

What Did They Expect?

Pumpkin appointed an idiot with a mission to f* up the Postal Service so as to try and steal the election. Luckily, that failed. But the effects will live on. Now the Christmas rush may be more than the USPS can handle. Rethuglicans are going…

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David F


Pumpkin's version of the Brown Shirts, the Proud Boys, are harassing and assaulting people in Washington DC. There were stabbings at a rally convened to support Pumpkin's quest to overturn an election, and videos are circulating showing people in right-wing tee shirts harassing passers-by for…

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