Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Second Shot!

We got our second doses of the vaccine yesterday. Our experience is exactly* like this xkcd. I am currently at the row 7 phase. So that's why this post is not... more.

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David F

Vive la Difference

This is not even an exaggeration. Let the Biden presidency put the final nail in the coffin of that disgusting trope that "there's no difference between the parties." There's a shitload of difference. One of the two parties is trying to kill you for not…

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David F

The Machine Rolls On

This book, The Republican Noise Machine, came out in 2004. Even back then, it was at least 24 years in the making. Now, continuing its ever-onward race to the bottom, which for the last five years or more has involved shovels and drills: the most…

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David F


It's a giant distraction. Arguing their positions in good faith has been off the table for Rethuglicans since 1980. "There you go again." Stating facts, Carter was. And now they have industrialized it. That's Faux News' mission. Keep the real issues obscured.

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David F

Same Old Story

I had this comfortable illusion that Rochester was just a little better. That maybe the Daniel Prude affair was a fluke and would be dealt with in a way that would show us to be a good example. Well, that's shot to hell. Protesters gather…

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