Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Drinking Game (Not!)

Here's a non-drinking game for you: take a shot every time a GOP-sponsored policy initiative is something other than: Promoting fear that Brown People from Far Away are Coming To Kill Your Babies Lavishing bizarre sums of money on defense contractors via military adventures to…

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David F

An Exception

As you might have read, I am no great fan of "verbing" -- the act of changing words that are different parts of speech into verbs by simply using them that way. To quote Calvin, "it weirds language." But I heard a word verbed recently…

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David F

Pre-this, Pro-that.

I spent a few years of Saturday mornings escorting patients at a Planned Parenthood clinic from the parking lot to the door.  A clinic escort's main task is to draw the patients' attention away from the ugliness of the perennial clinic protesters.  The filth those…

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David F

Letchworth Ice Fountain

We headed out early Saturday morning before the temperature was able to move off the overnight low. We arrived at Letchworth State park, and stopped on the grounds of a hotel called the Glen Iris Inn. (Google Maps link).   As we parked there, we…

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David F


So if the title made you immediately think of those scruffy, hard-working characters who set up and take down touring concerts, welcome to the club. But that's not what this post is about, as you may notice by the business and security tags I have…

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