Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

What is Pizza For?

A possibly unwelcome dollop of Internet fame was ladled over Memories Pizza of Walkerton, IN this week when their proprietor was interviewed on camera and allowed as how she would never cater a gay wedding from her pizza shop. Leaving aside the line of inquiry…

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David F

Wars on Nouns

Some dispatches from a few of our most popular wars on nouns. War on Drugs So this is just coming out, you are thinking, and now those agents will be subject to investigation and possibly criminal charges? Well, the DEA is way ahead of you,…

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David F

Totally non-discriminatory

Gov. Steve Beshear of Kentucky filed a delightful brief with the Supreme Court on March 27 in defense of "traditional marriage" or "natural marriage" or whatever dog-whistle the bigots are using this week to identify the sentiment, "I get to marry whoever I want but I think your love is…

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David F

Tech To-Do List

My home tech to-do list (in no particular order) Network Zones: I would like three segregated network zones in our home LAN.  One for our general purpose computers, one for our Android and BlackBerry devices, and one for our printers and connected entertainment boxes (Roku,…

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