Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

One Foot in Front of the Other

When I started this blog I committed originally to writing something on it every day.  I also said that some days it might just be pictures of my cats.  OK, there was a picture of my "main" cat on yesterday's entry but I think that…

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David F

My Cat is a Speciesist

My cat does not understand why I get into that big torrent of water to clean myself.  She does just fine with tongue and paw, and it's much lighter on resource use. My cat thinks that if I had only had the good sense to…

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David F

Who needs copper pots?

Last night I watched S5E3 of Louie.  In a series that has been a steady diet of awesome since it started, this was hands-down the best episode yet. WARNING - HERE THERE BE SPOILERS Also - trigger warning for abusive partner / relationship. The prologue takes…

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David F

LucidCharting the Network

In an earlier post I wrote about the importance of charting the network. Since then, I did just that, as I mentioned, in LucidChart. Here are some of my impressions from doing that for my home network. I used LucidChart's 7-day free trial of the Pro…

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David F

Why to pray. Or something.

Pre-enlightenment, I was an Orthodox Jew. Orthodox Jewish prayer would probably strike most Christians as very odd. It consists of three prayer services a day (more on Sabbath and Holidays), and literally hundreds of pages of prescribed liturgy that must be said word for word…

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