Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Earworm Alert

Yes, this ridiculous ditty has been living rent-free in my head since Friday. It's not fair, is it? How the tenacity of an earworm has so little correlation to its quality?

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David F

Twos Day

Two day is Twos Day, and you get two really random topics. One because I was supposed to post on Sunday and I missed it. And Sunday was gonna be Late #Caturday. So, here's Gert being snuggly. The other topic was planned for two day…

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David F

And... Back to the Guest Hosts

Well, that was quick. About 9 days after he was named the host, he's out as the host. The scandals & allegations were mounting up too quickly How is it, in 2021, that a company like Sony doesn't have a team on staff to scour…

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David F


There some Beach Boys songs you hear all the time. Then there's this... But it's worth it to blog a Beach Boys tune for a #waltzwednesdays entry.

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