Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Da'esh vs. Muslims

The governors of 31 states (as of this writing) have declared -- with dubious legal authority -- that their states are closed to refugees from Da'esh-controlled areas. Perhaps this handy diagram will help them understand why they are no more at risk accepting a few thousand…

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David F

Cognitive Bias

Fantastic article in Nature on how cognitive bias damages the work of scientists, and how scientists are trying to fight back against it. The funny thing I noticed about these is how religious apologists work the exact opposite way. They celebrate these faults in thinking, among others,…

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David F

Why Da'esh hit Paris

Da'esh is what we have been calling ISIS or ISIL, but here's a rundown of why Da'esh is a much better term for them. Their goals include establishing a worldwide Caliphate, an Islamic state governed (in Da'esh's model) according to the most primitive and brutal…

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David F

Sports Patriotism for Hire

A little behind on my TiVo, I just got around to seeing this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaW7cOJUt1A Now where have I heard... or read... or written something like this? Ah yes, six months ago.

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David F

Flash Farm Fracking (Ingress, not Shale)

There has been a lot of discussion in the Ingress community since the introduction of the Fracker (see New Items) around the interplay of fracked portals and glyph-hacking. Now personally, I dislike glyph-hacking, not least because it requires such absolute focus from the agent that it forces…

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