Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

She's Got It Covered.

The Nevada state legislator whose Christmas card is this... ...wants you to know she has the solution for the Syrian refugee problem in hand. "I am not OK with Syrian refugees. I’m not OK with terrorists. I’m OK with putting them down, blacking them out,…

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David F


This is a clip from All in the Family. It was intended to be a parody. Now it just sounds like a typical American "conservative." I will probably get G+ comments agreeing with Archie. https://youtu.be/-lDb0Dn8OXE

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David F

Prayer Shaming? Give me a break!

Look, I get that people with a religious bent turn to prayer in stressful times. We all have our ways to cope, and they are entitled to any way they have that doesn't actively harm someone. I don't even begrudge them what an economist might…

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