Prayer Shaming? Give me a break!

Look, I get that people with a religious bent turn to prayer in stressful times.  We all have our ways to cope, and they are entitled to any way they have that doesn't actively harm someone.  I don't even begrudge them what an economist might call the "opportunity costs" of praying, because everyone has to recharge somehow.  On the other hand, I thought the this was spot-on:

NY Daily News 2015-12-03
NY Daily News 2015-12-03

Who's being shamed here? Politicians who substitute calls for prayer where they should be delivering calls for action.  Senators who tweet out prayer proclamations for the victims, then answer the bidding of the NRA and the rest of the merchants of death to make sure we never run short of victims.  So they will have plenty to pray about?

The implication of the backlash against what they call "prayer-shaming" is that it targets people whose prayers do not sit in for real work, people who are not crying crocodile tears for the murder victims while taking money from the murderers' enablers.  But read that cover page: this is aimed at cowards, too afraid of the NRA to do otherwise, who could truly end gun scourge, by enacting some common-sense regulations.

Heck, even I sort-of-pray, as atheist as I am.  But I know it's not for anyone but me.  And when something needs doing, I don't imagine any sky-fairy is gonna do it for me if I ask him just right.  And I damn sure don't substitute public proclamations about my prayerfulness for anything within my power that might actually help.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F