Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Okay, I guess it's better than if they fully embraced the gilded age redux that we live in. But tell me again, what does this really accomplish? How many years of college does it need to wear a shirt that offers to mechanically sodomize the…

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David F

The Star

The Star of the County Down is an old Irish folk song with many, many recorded versions out there. I originally came to like this song from a very down-tempo version of it, something similar to this (not this one exactly, the one I heard…

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David F

If Only

What's depicted in this item are five scenarios from "parallel earth", which is to say, one where the leadership operates in the interests of the people. It's really worth checking in. If only to imagine what an improvement even one of these could be, let…

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David F

Not Going to Let It

I am not letting even this asshole ruin my day. Now you just know this car was parked by a male who has let the vehicle he uses to go to the grocery store define way too much of himself. Poor idiot.

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David F

Social Media Update

It's been a year+ since my last post with this title so... why not. And as always, this is Where To Find Me. Facebook remains off-limits for me (by choice, in case you were wondering). I have found it useful to install this browser extension,…

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