Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Electronic Death

Do you have a will? Of course you do. Good. Does it cover all your online accounts? Social media? Financial? Servers and hosting and domain registration? I didn't think so. Make an electronic will, and make sure you keep it up to date. Don't make…

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David F

Binary is for Numbers

​I have made my living all my adult life working with computers and information technology. The ultimate baseline of that work is, binary numbers. When you enjoy something on the Internet, it's thanks to millions and billions and trillions of binary numbers. The binary numbers…

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David F

Blogging from the phone

I just spent the better part of an hour seeing if I could compose a coherent blog post from my phone. This is not that post. First I should say, the phone's hardware is not the culprit. The Nexus 6 with Swiftkey is a lovely…

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David F

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is a ridiculous holiday. "Six more weeks of winter" means, what, exactly? 42 days until spring? We define the start of spring as the vernal equinox (March, in the northern latitudes). 42 days prior to March 20 (‑ish) is... Feb 7 (‑ish). Six weeks…

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