Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Reason Rally!

Time for another Reason Rally! Yay! We went in 2012 and got rained upon something fierce. But it was so good to be with the rational, for a day! Almost as if we'd left America behind, but right there in Washington DC! This year there…

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David F

Is your Wearable Comfortable?

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown --Shakespeare, Henry IV Part 2 Uneasy rests the wrist fitted with a Fitbit --Me This is not just about the trouble users are having getting detailed body-performance data out of BodyMedia, which announced last month it's shutting down customer…

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David F

Where to Invade Next

One thing I have noticed about our last few invasions: we didn't seem to actually want anything there. We went somewhere unpleasant, killed and maimed a bunch of people, got a bunch of our soldiers killed and maimed, committed a bunch of war crimes... and…

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David F

Defying Labels

Although I am done watching football, probably for good, I will admit to an annual curiosity about the Super Bowl commercials. This year's were a largely disappointing crop, although Helen Mirren, Amy Schumer et al. pitching lousy beer did bring a grin or two. (I particularly…

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