Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and the social media giants are going all out. Facebook down for a day because of what amounts to a clerical error. In its production network configuration. Oops. And the error was equivalent to, "Where's the spare key to the…

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David F


"So how do you Jew?" begins this article on Jewish identity through food. I am from a Jewish family but I... don't. I don't do any of it. I don't keep kosher or Shabbos or go to shul, ever. I don't believe in any god...

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David F

Owl Woods

The Braddock Bay Raptor Research is running a fall owl roost survey in Owl Woods near BBRRC. I tag along with Jill, who is one of the citizen scientists making up the backbone of this survey. We usually do this in the winter - Feb…

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David F


America's toxic masculinity is fixin' to poison the world. From refusing masks to gun-worship: it's all supported by these horrific images from the past.

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David F


I haven't the slightest bit of a religious feeling, as may be evident from this blog as well as my online postings. Yes, I used to. But I can assure you, it's as long-gone as my belief in the Tooth Fairy. Nevertheless I cannot deny:…

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