Owl Woods

The Braddock Bay Raptor Research is running a fall owl roost survey in Owl Woods near BBRRC. I tag along with Jill, who is one of the citizen scientists making up the backbone of this survey.


We usually do this in the winter - Feb to April. That's when the owls are migrating north. When they see Lake Ontario, they stop and they're like, Whoa, I am not crossing all THAT water until I at least fuel up and rest up. So, Owl Woods is a hot overnight I mean overday spot.

But when we do it in late Winter, early Spring, we don't see asters. Or daisies.

The paths are lined with bare saplings and branches. Bends don't look mysterious.

And straight paths don't look so fortuitous.

This one of the few activities that has not been much affected by COVID. Not much, but not none.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F