Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Impending Death of the GOP

One can only hope. Matt Taibbi delivers quite the preliminary obituary. Actually a ringing, rollicking prose poem in praise of the idea, in the new Rolling Stone. The thing I worry about here, is the inevitable zombie remains. They will continue to shamble around the country for decades,…

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David F

and oh by the way

WordPress says that the Helsinki Burger King Sauna post was my 499th. But when I migrated here from BlogSpot, I managed to lose the post I'd made on 2015-03-27. I know I made it because its share on G+ is still there, although the link…

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David F

This Never Happens in America!

CNN wants us all to be envious that you can go to a BK in Helsinki and take a sauna as a part of having it your way. Why does this happen in Finland, while in the US we have to worry about a Trump presidency for another…

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David F


For a lot of bad but strong reasons, the American way of life is ruled by the private automobile. The average cost (TCO) of a passenger sedan is over $17 per hour it is used. That's cheaper than if we took taxis everywhere -- although not by…

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David F


Social shaming should by now be swinging the vax/anti-vax fray in the right direction. But just in case it's not, here's a fun explanation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfdZTZQvuCo

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