Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Vote that will SEND A MESSAGE!

...and that message is, "I voted for a PHYSICIAN who's not supporting mandatory vaccination and is willing to coddle anti-vax nutjobbery by implying vaccines aren't safe because the FDA might be corrupt." While she's not full-on Jenny McCarthy, she's giving that idiocy aid & comfort.

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David F

Fun Summer TV

There's a lot of it lately. I agree with those who say we're in a golden age of television right now. But this is the most fun and silly and fun. Did I mention fun? Watch. https://youtu.be/GkbAcwYix7I

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David F

Here We Go

After tonight, the conventions are over, and the nominations are official. Things will calm down now, right? (Headphones on, full volume) https://youtu.be/b4gxKFAhfZc

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David F

A Choice is Binary or It Isn't

Nobody who is NOT in this photo will be elected President this year.. Here are two ways to lie about a choice. One is to portray it as binary when it isn't. There's a cartoon floating around today, asking whether to put a baby in the…

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