Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Still Boycotting the Scouts

The Boy Scouts, that is. (Girl Scouts rock! Two boxes of Thin Mints? Yes, please! THAT'S LUNCH!) Today a Scout parent selling their popcorn at the office told me, but it's all better now! They allow LGBTQ leaders! Well... no they don't! They no longer…

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David F

Migrating from Outlook to Thunderbird

Woke up Sunday to find, the latest Windows 10 update to Jill's computer broke the network drivers. After multiple increasingly long-shot attempts to get a network connection working again, we decided to dump Windows and install Linux. Installing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS was fairly straightforward. It was…

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David F

Cable Porn (VSFW)

This is one of the finer examples of what is known in some circles of the internet as Cable Porn. This artistry that some sysadmins take the trouble to create has a practical purpose.  All those delightful colors are probably a way of classifying the…

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David F

My Old Chromebook

I am about to get a nice new Chromebook. It will replace my old warhorse of an Acer. So my First World Problem of the day is, some of these stickers are quite difficult to replace. Especially the Ingress one in the center. I know,…

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