Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Listening to Trump Nation

Jeff Swensen/Getty Images A really disturbing article on Vox over the weekend, about taking Trump voters' concerns seriously. In the CNN / MSNBC / NYT versions of that narrative, we wring our hands about how precarious their jobs are, how their income stagnation has left…

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David F

Oh. Cubs.

Alright guys. Shake it off (twelve sports page stories say you already have). Start hitting lefties again (three stories say you can't, but four say you will). Why must we bite our nails for every W? (Sportswriters love to tell us about curses and hexes.) We know…

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David F

Garage Sale Days at the Public Market

You'd think I would tell you about these as the season is beginning, right? I live to disappoint. Not really but today was the grand finale of the series of Sunday garage sales. You can get all fitted out for our next, long season here.

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David F

Paris Review

Last Christmas, my daughter gave us a subscription to The Paris Review. A modest print publication that arrives quarterly, it contains a mix of poetry, occasional interviews, fiction and non-fiction. The fiction is always amazing - a cool splash of water to the face. And…

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