Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Happy #nationalcatday

It's National Cat Day! And #Caturday! Who knew? Alice sez: Of course it iz. Like every day. I iz nappin. Y u flashie-thing me? . Gert sez: Mm hmm! Here it iz, National Cat Day, yet somehow you iz not rubbin mah belleh!?

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David F

Ugh. Emails again.

Are you sick of this yet? I am. If the race is not close enough to make the media happy... they will find a way, won't they? ...but I am just all the way OVER it.

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David F

Shooting Yourself in the Foot

Shooting yourself in the foot, it turns out, can be done in many different programming languages. Or, once the vendors actually had to mass-market them, "application development frameworks". (Programming language + runtime libraries + syntax cues for a text editor = application development framework. But…

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David F

Bruce Picks Five

Springsteen was persuaded to pick five of his favorites out of over 300 songs he's put out there. https://youtu.be/W8CsEqYCg68 "Born to Run", "The Rising", "Thunder Road", "Nebraska", "Jungleland", then he takes a mulligan on that and settles on "Racing in the Street". But The Boss' favorites don't…

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David F

NYT Buys The Wirecutter

The NY Times bought The Wirecutter yesterday for $30M. Good for Brian Lam, the founder! he and his team have built a great pair of review sites, together with The Sweet Home, for less techie stuff. As I wrote a while back, this site is…

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