Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

More First Amendment Violations

Why isn't this trending???! #TrumpsAmerica #TrumpBan pic.twitter.com/E16itne7VR — Noorlicious (@NoorAjaj) January 31, 2017 Additionally, he's said he's going to cut off CNN from updates. I guess they won't push his fake news hard enough. Wiping his butt with the Bill of Rights will continue until…

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David F


Have you been watching this? https://youtu.be/Osct4hIRGoA Even a stone atheist like me can enjoy it. And oh, by the way, the Devil turns out to be a really good guy. He's scrupulously honest: incapable of lying. He never goes back on a deal despite the…

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David F


Odds of Trump being impeached within 6 months, are currently standing at 6:1. Watch: it will turn out that Trump will have bet the under, and then submit to impeachment by the end of May. Just to win the bets.

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David F


Masha Gessen says, believe the autocrat. And yes that is what we have now in the USA, an autocracy. The Constitution and the law is just so much toilet paper to these guys. The forms of democracy will be observed as far as they find…

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