Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Your Elected Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen

Florida Rethuglican trots out the Blood Libel Death Panel lie again. What's scary is that he thinks this can still get traction. https://youtu.be/XiZEL57pxRQ Check out his mockery of his constituents victims at 00:50. "OK Children". What does he care for voters? The only election that matters…

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David F

Kitten Lotto

Three years ago this week, we hit the Kitten Lotto. We went to Lollypop Farm with few expectations. We want two. They have to get along. We might not find anything remotely like that on our first visit. Uh huh. All that, right out the window. These…

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David F

A Mildly Complaining Story

I was preparing my lunch at the office when someone wandered into the kitchenette and said something that just pegged the racist-o-meter. Once I got away from this character, I just wanted a mental frais-palate. So I found this on the YouTubes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txDR1y1drl0 And still,…

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David F

Trump Ethics

Tweeting calumny at Nordstrom for dropping his baby girl's clothing line. There's no conflict of interest there, I am sure. But I really hope hope hope that Nordstrom sales spike and stay up. Tell me again how Hillary would have been just as bad.

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David F

Earworm Cure

So... the conventional wisdom says, if you have an earworm - a song stuck in your head - then you should sing this to yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7QzxYAjgNc And poof! No more earworm. Here's my problem... what if THIS is the earworm?

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