Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Spiritual Immune System

Henri Bergson was a French philosopher at the turn of the last century. He's famous for having debated the nature of time with Einstein, and it did not go well for M. Bergson. But what happened a few years later, was the development of theories of…

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David F

Two Moments

We're watching some old RuPaul on this lazy Sunday afternoon. In the Reunion show - the Finale of Season 5, we got this mind-bending look from Detox. She looked like the last queen in Pleasantville to "convert". And Ru now gives some sound advice to…

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David F


Parody is not dead but it sure is having a rough year. When a straight-up retelling of actual events reads like over-the-top political satire, what is a parodist to do? Example: Is that from the imagination of a cartoonist looking to lampoon? Or the field…

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David F

Something Silly

Just when I think I can encapsulate my musical taste in a rule or two (e.g., Heavy Metal + late 60's Folk Rock) I remember that I like some odds & ends like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SOryJvTAGs Did you catch the RuPaul cameo in there? Season 9 of…

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