Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Chicken Ripple

Food as conceptual art. Or conceptual art as food. Or something. We watch some cooking shows. Some of them make some food that looks like a dish of grub that you'd love to sit down and tuck right into. Chopped, Worst Cooks in America, Cooks vs…

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David F

WannaCry Defense

As with all ransomware, the defense is simple: Backup, backup, backup. The fresher your backups are, the less work it will be to reconstruct your data and the less temptation you will feel to pay the criminals. Backup, backup, backup. Microsoft is blaming the NSA,…

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David F

SNL Awesome

SNL has been keeping up the awesome, and Melissa McCarthy hosted last night to give the coup de grace to Sean Spicer. https://youtu.be/sbpUcfpbnrs And not to be missed: Alec Baldwin and Michael Che in this instant classic: https://youtu.be/ZBPt335vcAQ After "Trump" admitted to firing Comey because of…

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David F


The ACLU has issued a travel warning for Texas. This is not The Onion. ACLU: Between the Pumpkin in Washington and the flat-out Neanderthal in Austin, Texas stands atop my list of places I will not go. Which, actually, includes all the "red" states. I…

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