Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Today, I realized this: every situation that I have seen in person or on TV that inspires a crowd to chant bellow USA! USA! USA! ... ...is disgusting. We don't seem to maintain a difference between patriotism and nationalism. And nationalism is like craft beer:…

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David F

Poker: a Game to Love, a Game to Hate

Vanessa Selbst, presumably before the hand I write about today It's a hand for the ages. Vanessa Selbst had pretty much just sat down to begin her main event at the WSOP. She woke up during the first level with pocket Aces. She raised to…

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David F

Impulse Control

So they were doing a VIP tour at a NASA facility... and this happened. Our Russian-appointed VP has no better impulse control than his boss. He saw no reason why he should not just do... whatever! But white privilege is totes not a thing, right?…

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