Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

I Don't See the Conflict

From yesterday's WaPo piece, After Charlottesville, Republicans remain stymied over what to do about Trump. The article continues with an amazingly detailed, angels-on-the-head-of-a-pin analysis of just how horrible each Rethuglican elected official they could get on the record "thinks" the Pumpkin is. Here's what they are missing: not…

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David F

What Will They Kill Next?

Those darn Millenials! They are killing... Everything! OK, so what did you have next in the dead pool? Well, here's what's next: the Animatronic Band at Chuck E. Cheese! That's right, the chain that trained millions of American children to like bad pizza is discontinuing…

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David F

Fort Sumter, VA

No, wait, Fort Sumter is in South Carolina. What's in Virginia? Charlottesville. https://youtu.be/P54sP0Nlngg With the Pumpkin supporting the bigots (there's no other way to take the full week's worth of his blather about it), well... I saw this map of how the US will look…

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David F

Drive that Train!

When I started this idea of Train Music Thursdays, the Ballad of Casey Jones was not far from my mind. And it will definitely make an appearance.But then, when the Grateful Dead released this track by that name, nothing could have been further from that…

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