Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Rising Sun

One of the things I have seen written about triple metre is that it's best suited to telling stories, ballads, sagas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRXb7K7k7bQ I have to say, this song certainly seems to be trying to tell a story. But it's mostly told in the spaces between…

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David F

Super Fail

I have still not gotten around to the roughly seven minutes¹ I spend each year after the Big Game² checking out the best-reviewed commercials. But it came to my attention (thanks, Matt Bors!) that Lady Doritos are a thing. Here's what we know about pretty much…

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David F

Waltz... Monday?

I just wanted to update an earlier #WaltzWednesday post. The very first one, in fact. In that post, I said that the Blue Danube is the definitive, archetypal waltz. I stand by that statement. But I should have added at the time, that the most…

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David F

Still Down

I should probably go to a cafe or something, but I have tethered my phone. A cafe would be more in the gestalt of blogging, right? Spectrum will probably have to climb a pole to fix this so I get that they aren't rolling emergency…

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David F

Cable Trouble

My cable is mostly out. The internet comes and goes. The TV is stone dead. There's plenty in the TiVo to hold us over until Wednesday when the Cable Guy will come. Hope it's not this guy...

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