Super Fail

I have still not gotten around to the roughly seven minutes¹ I spend each year after the Big Game² checking out the best-reviewed commercials.

But it came to my attention (thanks, Matt Bors!) that Lady Doritos are a thing.

Less crunch!  Because that's a selling point for a tortilla chip now?

Here's what we know about pretty much any product "... for women".  It sucks.  But it will make up for that by being more expensive.

Sexism and racism are about equally structural to our society.  We need a new one.

¹ - Seven minutes is the total amount of time I spend any more on football every year.  I find the time savings to be an enormous yet unforeseen benefit of my NFL boycott.  I estimate the annual time savings to be around 120 hours.

² - I have to say "Big Game" because you are not allowed to say "Super Bowl" unless you pay the NFL a whole sh!tload of money.  And since I will never offer the NFL even thirty-five cents for the rights to say "Super Bowl", I will not be saying, "Super Bowl."  So if you catch me saying, "Super Bowl" please remind me not to say, "Super Bowl".  

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F