Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Dixie Flyer

Randy Newman's music just shows up everywhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zzh_CEBFIM You can make an argument that he's the next great American composer, after Aaron Copeland. Aaannd... your faithful blogger sits back and makes popcorn as the music nerds' heads explode.

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David F

Happy Pi Day

We had Pie and PI-na Coladas after dinner. Yum! And - down note - Stephen Hawking died today. On Pi Day. Did he plan that? Probably not. A doctor gave him only two years to live with his ALS... in 1963. He did OK, considering. UPDATED:…

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David F

America The Stupid

It's true - there is no parody anymore. Religion, never a friend of intellect or honesty, is also getting worse. If you can believe that. Over the weekend Forbes published this article but then took it down. They think they are somehow immune to the…

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David F

The NRA Writes Our Gun Laws

The NRA has set Pumpkin straight on how gun policy gets made in the US. Teachers will be armed - so the NRA's members* can sell millions of guns - but new age limits will not be imposed on gun purchases. It's almost like Rethuglicans want…

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David F

Nope nope nope

Toilets in public places have all kinds of issues. It's how a barista can shame the homeless. Well, count on the bros in tech to make it much worse. Here's how they plan to turn every toilet into a pay toilet. I will actively boycott…

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