Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

What Passes For Reality

For readers outside the USA, this is indeed what our government seems like. Of course below the surface, the wealth and goodwill of the country are being plundered. Guillotines will be too good for them.

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David F

Things May Have Gotten a Bit Heated

Yesterday I went out to do some errands. It wound up being more stressful than it had any right to be. One of the errands was dropping off Jill's shirts at the cleaners to be laundered, pressed and put on hangers. Now, I have been…

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David F

They Sat Still!

Just for a moment, but enough to get these. It's not that they are not both ours. We both love them both. We both take care of them both. But Alice has decided that Jill is "hers", and Gertrude has likewise appropriated me.

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David F

Instant Car-ma

We had a delicious - and all too rare - experience on the way home from work today. An urban redneck in a Dodge Charger was tailgating us impatiently in moderate traffic where the road was two lanes. 61 in a 55 is never fast…

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David F

Every Damn Day

Did you watch the town hall on everyday racism in the USA? It was on MSNBC Tuesday night. What? You did not watch? Well, this is a problem. You need to watch this. The whiter you are, the more you need to watch this playlist:…

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