Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

This is Why I Block Ads

And why you should too. Introducing, The Spinner! Warning: this video is their ad, so take it with many grains of salt. Like, the whole shaker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUNiX5emptQ The Spinner is a product that you, a shitty man, connive to have your victim wife install, unbeknownst…

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David F

Please Use the N-Word

Ruben Bolling at DailyKos Nazis, or as Pumpkin has called them, "very fine people." On the other hand, the 1933-45 German version probably did indeed have Germany's interests at heart, even while going about it very badly from every point of view. They were certainly…

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David F

It's Who Ya Know

The Hammonds got pardonedĀ for setting fires on public lands ahead of a line of ten thousand other applications because their lawyer knew someone... who knows Forrest Lucas... who knows (and gives money to) Mike "Whitest Man Alive" Pence. Are you pardoning people for felonies because…

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David F

Great Pumpkin

I write about the Pumpkin in the White House a fair bit. Ugh, what a drag. So for Waltz Wednesday today, a nicer one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP8ZfRZCy1c

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David F

Eight Thugs

Where did eight Rethuglican US Senators decide to spend July 4th? Moscow of course. Now that they are back in the USA, they have messages for us all. Like, we've blown that whole Russia-meddled-in-the-election thing all out of proportion. After all, they didn't mess with…

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