Eight Thugs

Where did eight Rethuglican US Senators decide to spend July 4th?  Moscow of course.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (R) greets US Senator Richard Shelby (L) during his meeting with US congressional delegation in Moscow, Russia, on July 3, 2018. (Photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko / POOL / AFP) (Photo credit should read ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICHENKO/AFP/Getty Images)

Now that they are back in the USA, they have messages for us all. Like, we've blown that whole Russia-meddled-in-the-election thing all out of proportion. After all, they didn't mess with the results of The Voice, I guess?  So those sanctions are a total overreaction.

I'm guessing the Russians showed these traitors some interesting video on the order of the legendary pee tape?  What do you think?

And in a week, Pumpkin meets Putin 1:1 in a room alone with only translators.  #WCGW?

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F