Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Ukraine & Me

Around 1917, a woman named Anna (Nechama Hudel) Tzipros lived in a shtetl near Odessa, Ukraine. She was married, with a young son, and another baby on the way. She and her husband felt they had to leave - things in that part of the…

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David F

Funding Crisis

This is a case where the purported cure is even worse than the problem. Just look at this blog's header image for the answer. Replacing warriors with mental-health aides is the way. Every time it's tried, however, Rethuglicans start in with the hate- and fear-mongering…

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David F

No Time

From a Futility Closet entry: In Book 11 of the Confessions, Augustine writes, “Are the present hundred years a long time? But first see whether a hundred years can be present. If it is the first year of the hundred, then that year is present,…

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David F

Tax Time

We used to use TurboTax. It was sort of OK, until it wasn't. Now we use a local accounting firm. It doesn't cost a lot more and we have a much better experience. And when there's something weird about our situation, they don't get stuck,…

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