Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Saying the Quiet Parts Loud

The racist-in-chief is starting to speak explicitly the things that were reserved for dog-whistling in 2016. Linguistic boffins are taking notice. And in the absence of any ability to parody effectively anymore, the political cartoon reporters have this update for you.

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David F

Happy Pride!

Yes I know most of the world does Pride in June but Rochester does it in July. I still don't know why. But we went to the Pride Parade today. Of course, we saw Pride Flags. So many different Pride Flags! Many more than we…

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David F


Check out this piece in The Guardian where AOC (29) met with Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg (16) to cover a wide range of topics. As I read through it, I realized that Pumpkin must be attacking AOC non-stop because of how terrifying she is.

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David F

The Racism is the Point!

By now we've all seen this defecation from the Pumpkin: But here's the thing. He makes some token denials that he's a racist, but of course, he is. And it's the whole point. Racism is what keeps his base solid. The unrepentant racists all over…

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David F

Happy... what?

The French find the "patriotic" displays of Americans - the flags everywhere, the pugnacious slogans on bumper stickers - kind of apalling. Not really any kind of reassuring that we really appreciate our country. More like we're horribly insecure about it and ready to punch…

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