Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Small Town

Rochester is a pretty good-sized city, but when it comes to tech employment it's a small town. I recently started in a new job but I have to say that I already know about a third of my co-workers. People are coming and leaving but…

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David F

Lazy Sunday Stuff

We're having a quiet Sunday afternoon and watching a binge of Whose Line Is It Anyway?. The good one, of course, the UK version. I have to tell you Ryan Stiles is entirely worth the time spent watching. Most of these clips are from the…

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David F


Apropos this, you will have read about the school district in Pennsylvania who decided to have fun at the expense of any parents struggling to pay their kids' lunch bills by bluffing about throwing their children into the foster care system? Good times. Well, a…

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David F


resisting the temptation... I have to say I am not a Fiona Apple superfan. But still, she is one of my favorite singers, and it's all on the strength of one cover she probably did just for a few bucks. It was for the soundtrack…

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