
Apropos this, you will have read about the school district in Pennsylvania who decided to have fun at the expense of any parents struggling to pay their kids' lunch bills by bluffing about throwing their children into the foster care system? Good times.

Well, a local CEO tried to ruin their fun pulling legs off flies tormenting poor parents by paying off the bills, but the district refused, asserting that the parents in question could definitely afford to pay. I guess they were frittering away that money on other vanities, like health care or gasoline to go to their three jobs. Totally unnecessary luxuries in an advanced technological society where state-of-the-art public transit and universal health care are obvious common goods.

Oh wait, we don't live anywhere civilized like THAT. We live in Amerikkka.

Update: The school district has now been shamed into accepting the CEO's money. Doesn't change a thing. They are still the kind of people who threatened parents with stealing their children, for being poor. Being mildly sensitive to bad PR is nota mitigationfor that.

Good summary here: ABC News

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F