Microsoft buys LinkedIn

LinkedIn Image (c) Asif Islam/Shutterstock//Microsoft Image (c) Pabkov/Shutterstock
LinkedIn Image (c) Asif Islam/Shutterstock//Microsoft Image (c) Pabkov/Shutterstock

$26B - about a 50% premium to LinkedIn's market value.  Talk about a pre-emptive bid!  LinkedIn is basically the Facebook of the business world.   And now it will be the property of the default provider of mediocre software to the business world.  What could possibly go wrong?

I enjoyed this blog entry at PostLight about nine things MS could do with LinkedIn.  LinkedIn integrated with MineCraft?  Yes, please.  Two widely popular platforms for me not to be on!  Remember, I rage-quit LinkedIn in 2013.  Unfortunately, the more mundane and sensible options that Microsoft would appear to have now are also much more scary.

If MS forces me back into LinkedIn via my ID or something stupid like that, it will allow me finally to act on that little voice in my head that occasionally goes, "WHY the HELL do we have an ID, again?" 

via Kottke 

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F