Legislating Hatred

Want to talk racist stereotypes?  Check out this story from last week about a bill just introduced in Congress:

“This bill is so horrendous that I could not believe it when it was first brought up,” said Representative Judy Chu of California. “It is a nightmare. This is a piece of legislation that would impose criminal penalties on providers and limit the reproductive choices of women of color and all women.”

She said providers facing the possibility of jail time for failing to report on minority women having abortions as a catch-all, and worried that it could also further discourage physicians from serving underrepresented communities.

I know you'll be as shocked as I was to learn that this "when will you stop beating your wife murdering your daughters?" bullshit originates in the Party of Lincoln David Duke.

Meanwhile Ted Cruz defends North Carolina's anti-gay bigotry because of course he does.  Not that it matters much whether they nominate Cruz or Trump.  Hatred and bigotry just flow and flow... and if one of them heads this government, it might be hard to blame the rest of the world if they find it necessary to stem the tide of evil.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F