Leaving G+

In June of 2011, I saw this xkcd cartoon

I joined Google+ right around then. Even as I deleted my LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and pretty thoroughly ignored all other social media, I always kept my G+ postings fresh. It's where I posted newblog entries, met up with Ingress folks, played silly games, you name it.

Now Google has announced - and then accelerated - plans to shut down Google+. So it's time to move on. I have chosen a Diaspora pod calledpluspora. It was set up specifically to house "refugees" from Google+. A lot of my stream is already posting to both places. Click here to accept my invitetojoin.

Here is the #signalflare I will be posting today on Google+

You can join me onplusporaby clicking here: https://pluspora.com/i/34003cb21561

Here is my pluspora profile, if you're curious: https://pluspora.com/people/e6590f00adcc013646c5005056268def

You can also read my general/random topic blog here, and my online safety/security/privacy blog here.

This blog will continue to post links to new entries on Google+ as long as it allows, but will also be posting new entries on pluspora.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F