Firing Time-Warner Cable, Slowly

Yesterday I cancelled HBO and I subscribed to HBO.  What?

I dropped HBO (and Starz) from my Time-Warner Cable packages, and I added HBO (only, for now) at Amazon.  The triggering event for this was, Time-Warner announced that HBO Go over TiVo is not supported.  Never mind that we've been using it for the almost three years we've had TiVo.  But yesterday we started watching a movie and less than a minute into the opening credits, up pops a message "Cannot play video at this time."  Like, what the f* else are you ever asked to do but play video, HBO Go?

SO after twenty minutes and six warm transfers around a rat-maze of tech "support" someone just flat-out tells me, No, TiVo is not supported as a streaming device for HBO Go.  This is mind-boggling.  Especially (probably) to TiVo, who went to a lotta damn trouble to add that app to their functions about a year and a half ago.

Well, it took me less time than I had wasted talking to "support" to cancel HBO at cable, collect a credit and add it (with a free month) at Amazon.  And then we were watching that movie in another minute.

As soon as there's a way to pay for a few other cable channels (FX, TBS, USA, Logo, Food-Network) without the highway robbery of TWC, we're done.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F